About Me

About Me
Uli Amelia Septriani Hermawan, 16th years old. Here i am, folks. Trying to enjoy my entire life with love laugh cry angry and pasttimes. So sit back relax and enjoy it :)

Uli's Days

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Jyuu Roku Sai

Yesterday, September 11th 2009, was my birthday. I'm already turned sixteen years old. And it's mean, it have been twice of my birthday since my dad past-away. God, i miss you Daddy :') Well it's mean, more responsibles i will have in this new part of my life... :)

My dearest friends also came to my house for break fasting. Some of my fellas gave me a little surprised cake and gifts. Thank you guys! Maybe, i will upload some photos in the next posting hihi

p.s : My birthday date is the same date of WTC Tragedy, right?

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