About Me

About Me
Uli Amelia Septriani Hermawan, 16th years old. Here i am, folks. Trying to enjoy my entire life with love laugh cry angry and pasttimes. So sit back relax and enjoy it :)

Uli's Days

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Daddy's Belated Day

Happy Birthday, My Beloved Father :')

Today is your 55th birthday, Dad. Altought i can't meet you again Dad, i still wanna say Happy Birthday to you. I always pray for you, everyday everytime. I hope you can get the best place in Allah's side, amin. And i really try to give my best in everything i've done, like what you always said to me before. I do it to make you proud of me, because i believe you still can see me from 'above'. Lastly, i looooove you so much and i miss you soooo much, Daddy. Happy birthday :)


------------- said...

i hope so uli hope your father can get the best place in Allah's side, amin.

Wida said...

i know your father will be proud of you, budd! xixixi :B