About Me

About Me
Uli Amelia Septriani Hermawan, 16th years old. Here i am, folks. Trying to enjoy my entire life with love laugh cry angry and pasttimes. So sit back relax and enjoy it :)

Uli's Days

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

For God Shake!

Now, i am really sick of your (new) atittude! Maybe you fell nothing wrong with that, but me -as you said, best friend- really know that something change inside you. I know, indeed you already have the newest one but please, would you relize it was suck????

I could not talk to you anymore about this. I know if i be honest to you, it is gonna be worse. I know about that. I just....... need you back to be like before. Helloooooo, what do you said about us? "Bestfriend", huh? Okay, i confess it. I already felt that i'm started to be your forgotten bestfriend.

Well, again, i only can wish you can change back as soon as possible. I really hope we can be nice-bestfriend again for each other. Last but not least, i just want you to know, i really happy to know and have you as my bestfriend, altought now you suddenly change like that...


Wida said...

OKAY SHE IS THE SUCK-EST PERSON EVER. mendingan kita go with ourselves aja deh belajar biologi fisika kimia matematika aja daripada mikirin orang itu errrrrr.
pokoknya ulangan harian ketiga kita gaboleh ada yang remed!!!!! buktiin ke dia HAHAHAHA :licik:

Anonymous said...

uli siapa sih gue ga diceritain ya gitu ya oke deh fine. kita ga usah temenan lagi huahahahahaha

denasari said...

uli, dirimu kenapa deh?


wawawawa...ni postingan curhat yiaa :D
hmm...salam knal aj yaahhhh